Wednesday, July 14, 2010

to the earth we return...

Dear Blog,

Its been quite a long tyme i dont write in here...My home don't have internet connection,
so,that's explain everything..
Ive juz finished my study at UTM, convo is on the September, after the eid..
and im going to continue my study,hello UTM!! again...
but honestly, i do love UTM....becuz i love the surroundings and my faculty and the people in it...
I'm lucky to be here again..Thanks ALLAH...:)

While writing this,my mind is rewinding the previous moments that i had encounter during my holidays,on the 3rd of June, ive lost my wan (granny)...
She is gone to meet our creator....
Semoga roh wan dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beramal soleh...aminnn....A day before that, my cousin, died too..She was very young, but Allah loves her more....Al-Fatihah...Then, my atuk saudara died too due to accident with a lorry...
They said it was a treler, but not very sure of it becuz there were no witness..Al-Fatihah...

And then, an indian man, Uncle Subramaniam died the rubber estate behind my house...Was a kindhearted man....ive still remember that he offered me his hp so that i can call home...It happened so fast, while i was cleaning my house,
suddenly, ive heard a woman voice screaming "tolong2!!!"...
Then, my sisters and my father ran towards the voice..including me...
we were afraid as we tought it might be something dangerous.
Bravely, my father juz go there,unarmed...
and then, we saw him, lying limply at his wife....

at first look, i knew it was a heart attack...
What we did after that, despite our nervousness, we carried him our heart, we prayed hard for the life of this father did try to save him..but it was his tyme to go..It was a fate..He died on the way to the clinic...He will be remembered...he was also a guard at my sister's school, and everyone knew that he was such a kind and loving man....

Life is toooooooo short!!!!
im afraid of what life is offering....

So long.......

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